5 Star Program

5 Star Certification Program Archuleta County



Summary of Program:  The 5 Star Program encourages businesses to implement safety measures

above and beyond what is already required by Public Health Orders and guidelines that help slow

the spread of COVID-19.  It accelerates re-openings by allowing 5 Star Certified businesses to

operate at one Dial Level lower than the County Level in which it resides. Program is completely

voluntary, but if applied for and approved joins an expanding directory of businesses recognized

and certified for helping keep the community safe and open for business. Restaurant sector can

apply at this time.


Initiated when a business communicates an interest in applying for the Program and willingness to comply with guidelines.

  • Primary step of this phase includes the following:
    • Initial forms to download for review (Guidelines & Checklist) and download for completion (Business Plan Submittal). The Business Plan addresses General Requirements, Employee Health and Contact Tracing primarily.  Recovery-Program Coordinator will notify the business they have been received, accepted, and if any changes are required.
    • Purpose:
      • Ensure that the business is committed to participating in the Program process.
      • Check to ensure the business is eligible for the program and has no previous Public Health Order violations.
      • Create relationship that will exist throughout the process between the business and Recovery Coordinator/Inspector.

  • Begins when Business Plan and Acceptance Agreement are approved.
  • Ends when Recovery/Coordinator confirms that all requirements have been submitted and approved.
  • Purpose: To ensure the business is aware of all program requirements and submitted all forms for approval.

  • Initiated upon confirmation that all necessary documentation is on file for the business.
  • Recovery Coordinator conducts inspection to confirm that the business has met all requirements
  • Ends with the certification of the business, which includes:
    • Provision of certification materials to the business.
    • Updating of databases with business status.
    • Notification sent to San Juan Basin Public Health and CDPHE through established process.
  • Purpose: To confirm that the business meets certification standards through onsite inspection.

  • Begins when a business has been certified through Recovery Coordinator inspection.
  • Includes notification to CDPHE and San Juan Basin Public Health of any business status Changes.
  • The ending point of this phase will be determined by future COVID-19 restrictions and allowances established by the State.
  • Purposes:
    • To ensure that certified businesses remain in compliance with the program requirements.
    • To continue promotion of businesses that have met Program requirements.
    • To maintain consumer confidence in the businesses certified by the Program.
  • Archuleta County Compliance Complaint Form – LINK

HVAC Systems & Ventilation General Guidelines

  • If there is an HVAC system it should be:
    • Equipped with the highest-rated filter available for the system.
    • Set to run continuously when people are present (DCV disabled).
    • Operated at the highest optimized settings for the space.
    • Serviced at least twice a year by an HVAC Technician.
  • If there is no Commercial HVAC system, or the HVAC system does not meet the above requirements, then ventilation must be improved by:
    • Incorporating portable air purifiers (preferably with HEPA filters) appropriate for space size, and/or
    • Increasing natural ventilation through opening doors and windows to allow cross-ventilation and installing fans that operate to increase airflow in a unidirectional (non-recirculating) manner.


Main Contact: Robert Clark, CDC Executive Director/Economic Development Recovery Coordinator