CSU Extension offers an avenue for landowners to connect with local contractors through our new landowner services database at http://sam.ext.colostate.edu/. If you or your business serves small acreage properties, then consider submitting your company to the online searchable database developed by CSU Extension and the USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service. The Small Acreage Services Database (SASD) is a dynamic online tool that enables landowners to search for land management products and services available in a given region of Colorado. Searchable topics include grass seeding, fencing, livestock, forestry, specialty crops, equipment, weed control and soil nutrition. If you need help implementing your management prescriptions, this website will enable you as a landowner to find local resources, contractors, equipment, and services by in your specific area. Think of this as an online contact book for local products and services specific to agricultural opportunities.
Businesses can submit their company online and landowners can search for contractors, at: http://sam.ext.colostate.edu/
This service is completely free and opened to any business, organization, or individual, in good standing, that grows, buys, or sells products and services that will benefit small acreage landowners as they work to improve and manage their land. No endorsement of named products is intended, nor is discrimination or criticism implied of products mentioned or not mentioned. There is no cost to submit your company to the database or to search for a company on the database.
As this database is populated, it will be a great tool to connect landowners with contractors in order to implement these activities on the land. If you need help or have questions about this new website, contact the small acreage coordinator at 970-243-5068 x 128 or jrizza@colostate.edu .
Jennifer Cook
Small Acreage Management Coordinator
NRCS/CSU Extension
303-659-7004 ext.3
(cell) 717-645-7817
Small Acreage Website: www.ext.colostate.edu/sam