Pagosa Springs CDC Annual Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2022
In Attendance: Sherry Waner, Justin Ramsey, Warren Brown, Jim Garrett, Chelle Keplinger, Matt DeGuise, Mont McAllister, Mary Jo Coulehan – Pagosa Chamber, Laura Lewis Marchino – Region 9, Emily Lashbrooke – Executive Director, Kathleen McFadden – Administrative Manager
Sherry Waner determined there was a quorum and called the meeting to order at 6:19 p.m.
There were no conflicts of interest disclosed from the board in relation to the agenda items. The only item on the agenda was to vote to appoint two new members to the board to fill vacancies, Jenelle Syverson and Rosanna Dufour. Because the seats are vacancies, the board selects and votes on the appointments instead of holding an election.
Mont McAllister moved to approve the appointment of Jenelle Syverson and Rosanna Dufour to the two open vacancies on the board; Justin seconded. There was no discussion. The appointments were accepted unanimously.
With no further business to discuss, Sherry adjourned the meeting at 6:21 p.m.