Information & Data

Economic and Community Data

We have put together a wide variety of data and other useful information to help make your transition to Pagosa Springs Colorado easy and productive.

Pagosa Springs Data

Why Choose Pagosa Springs?

Learn more about Pagosa Springs. It’s a great place to help your business grow. With a wealth of data and resources, we have put together some of Pagosa Springs and Archuleta County’s most useful industry data points.  Compare industry trends, growth markers, competitive set data, and much more.

Need more info? Our expert community development team is here to help answer your questions.

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Pagosa Springs Data

The Pagosa Springs Business and Investment Assistant

We have put together resources, economic indicators and tools, workforce data, contact details, how-to’s, and much more!  Simply get started by selecting a subject and learn more about what Pagosa Springs has to offer your business.

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More Economic Data

Base analysis distinguishes which industries are responsible for overall growth and change. Base industries produce exports or derive their sales or income directly from outside sources, or indirectly by providing supplies to export industries. These activities bring in outside dollars to circulate within the local economy.

About Economic Base Analysis

About Economic Base Analysis

For example, to provide a more accurate picture of the agricultural sector we can link agricultural production to other segments of the economy that directly and indirectly support agriculture. This cluster of industries is known as agribusiness, and includes services such as processing food products, trucking, storage, sales of farm equipment and supplies, as well as impacts on credit institutions and commodity brokers.

Tourism is another good example because it generates jobs in a range of industries including accommodations, food services, admissions, transportation and shopping. The importance of tourism in the regional economy is covered in more depth later in this report.

Regional services include hospitals, airports or regional construction industries that build highways or other infrastructure.

Another base industry is created by households that spend money earned elsewhere. For example, a retiree whose income comes from outside of the county is supporting many traditional local resident services jobs. Some jobs cannot be directly assigned to these categories, but do support the base industries, these are designated as indirect unassigned jobs.

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How can we help make Pagosa home?

If you are interested in opening or relocating a business to Pagosa, the PSCDC has a wealth of resources at their fingertips with a Rapid Response team to assist you. The close ties to the Pagosa Springs Chamber of Commerce, the Southwest Small Business Development Center, Town of Pagosa Springs, Archuleta County, and Region 9 Economic Development District give all businesses a leg up on consultation, educational opportunities, and financial assistance.

    Pagosa Springs Relocation Guide

    Download the relocation guide today!

    If you are interested in opening or relocating a business to Pagosa, the PSCDC has a wealth of resources at their fingertips with a Rapid Response team to assist you. The close ties to the Pagosa Springs Chamber of Commerce, the Southwest Small Business Development Center, Town of Pagosa Springs, Archuleta County, and Region 9 Economic Development District give all businesses a leg up on consultation, educational opportunities, and financial assistance.

    View or Download the Guide Now